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An Unforgettable African Adventure

Author: Colleen Romanauski


Our African adventure began with a 15-and-a-half-hour flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg, South Africa, courtesy of Delta Airlines. Despite the lengthy journey, the exceptional service and attentiveness of the flight crew created a relaxing environment for the duration of the flight. Upon landing in Johannesburg, our guide greeted us at the gate, efficiently navigating us through baggage claim and immigration. Soon, we were en route to the luxurious Saxon Hotel, where a welcome drink and fabulous dinner awaited us. Although our stay was brief, the Saxon impressed us with its exquisite dining options, private villas, and an array of spa treatments.

The following day, we headed back to the airport for our flight to Zimbabwe to explore the majestic Victoria Falls. Our accommodations at the historic Victoria Falls Hotel were both spacious and comfortable. Originally built in 1904 to house workers constructing the Victoria Falls Bridge, the hotel offers a stunning view of this architectural marvel. Our first evening featured a delightful Zambezi River Dinner Cruise, where we were thrilled to see numerous hippos up close!

Our first full day in Victoria Falls was packed with excitement, beginning with an early morning Bamba Train ride onto the Victoria Falls Bridge to watch the sunrise over the falls. The view was simply spectacular! Afterward, we enjoyed a relaxing breakfast in the garden of the Victoria Falls Hotel. Our afternoon adventure included the "Flight of Angels" helicopter ride, offering a breathtaking aerial view of the falls. Following this, we entered Victoria Falls National Park to walk the falls path, where the mist provided a refreshing break from the heat.

Lunch at the Lookout Café was quick but delightful, after which we headed to the Elephant Café. Here, we had the opportunity to pet and feed the elephants, followed by a serene high tea on the patio amidst these gentle giants.

Our next stop was Cape Town to experience the culture, cuisine, and winelands of South Africa! The Twelve Apostles Hotel, with its stunning sea views from the rooftop terrace pool, served as our home base. Our Cape Town itinerary included a wine tasting at Boschendal Wine Estate, an authentic South African dinner accompanied by a djembe drumming lesson at Gold Restaurant, and breathtaking views at Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope. We also visited the penguins at Boulders Beach. No trip to Cape Town is complete without a cableway ride to the top of Table Mountain, where we were fortunate to enjoy clear, sunny skies, providing panoramic views of the city and surrounding area. If you plan on visiting Cape Town, don’t forget to visit the V&A Waterfront, specifically The Watershed, for fabulous shopping and dining. 

The final leg of our journey took us to the Kapama River Lodge, nestled near Kruger National Park. Here, we embarked on three days of exhilarating game drives, where we were lucky enough to spot the Big Five: Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhinoceros, and Buffalo. Our days began with a 5:00 AM wake-up call and coffee, followed by a 6:00 AM game drive. Dawn and dusk are prime times for animal sightings as this is when they are most active, and our open-air vehicle, equipped with tiered rows for clear views, blankets for chilly mornings, binoculars, and an experienced driver and spotter, ensured a memorable safari experience. Many people have seen elephants or giraffes at the zoo, but there is nothing quite like turning a corner and seeing a giraffe munching on a tree just a few feet away!  

Between game drives, the Kapama River Lodge offered an array of amenities, spa services, pools, bush walks, restaurants, and plenty of lounge areas to relax. This all-inclusive safari lodge provided everything from meals and drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) to five-star accommodations, bush walks, and game drives, making it the perfect conclusion to our African exploration.

Contact us to experience the magic of Africa for yourself!

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